.. _flux: ************ flux ************ x-ray flux calculator :author: Stanislav Stoupin :email: SYNOPSIS ============ :: flux [options] CR sens Ex pinXXX.dat DESCRIPTION ============ A program to calculate x-ray flux based on a scaler counts, detection sensitivity and a calibration file of a PIN detector. A gain 1X is assumed on the voltage-to-frequency converter. INPUT PARAMETERS ================= :CR: count rate from a scaler [counts/s] :sens: sensitivity of a current amplifier [mA/V] :Ex: photon energy [keV] :pinXXX.dat: detector calibration file containing two columns: =================== =========================== photon energy [keV] detector response [THz/mA] =================== =========================== OPTIONS ============ :-v, --version: show program's version number :-h, --help: show summary of options. :-o F, --output=F: write results to file F (default to stdout) SEE ALSO ============ -tba- :author: Stanislav Stoupin :email: :date: |today|